ICECREAM - Shub Flavours Of India

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Manufacturers have a choice: flavor or flavor base? Or even both?

Flavour: A flavor is a one-or two-dimensional addition to ice cream. It provides a flavor enhancement to the dairy mix,and, also can add color.

The advantage of a flavor is low usage, often under 1%of volume, which means there’s room for other “star” ingredients such as sea salt, caramel, or lemon cookie pieces.

Flavor Bases: On the other hand, a flavor base brings a third dimension to ice cream. Like flavors, they add unique flavor and color. The difference is that they have a higher usage, between 5% and 10%. You also can add  different flavors and texture, such as creamed coconut or chocolate liquor.

Flavors and flavor notes work well separately and together to allow for complex ice cream creations.

In the past, the main flavors of ice cream were chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. But now a wide range of incredible new ice cream flavors are available for anybody who wants to test their sweet tooth. It is important for the flavor creation team of any ice cream manufacturer to have access to a wide range of extracts and other flavor ingredients in order to create the specially designed flavors that customers crave.

Generally water soluble flavours will work in ice cream. If the ice cream has a high fat content then a fat compatible flavour may also be suitable.

We recommend trying approximately 1ml to 3ml of flavour per kilogram of ice cream, then adjust to taste.

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